Seattle Public Schools

High School, Postsecondary, and Career Planning

High School and Beyond Plan

SPS High School and Beyond Plan

All students have the right to dream, aspire, and thrive. We envision that every student is equipped with the knowledge, skills, & beliefs to set meaningful goals, explore diverse pathways, and exercise agency in shaping their career and future.  我们将希望科学作为高中和超越规划过程的关键,作为推动学生走向未来的催化剂.  

Hope is something we can teach. It isn’t a feeling.  希望是我们用来激励、培养韧性、克服障碍的工具.  并指导学生如何做出明智的决定和长期计划.  我们相信高中和超越计划不仅仅是选择课程.  It is a literal pathway to the future, 为他们的旅程制定计划,并相信他们有能力和意志力来实现这一目标.  Hope is much more than wishful thinking. 科学告诉我们,这是一个人一生中最具预测性的幸福指标. Hope is measurable. And it changes lives. Hope is a cognitive process and psychological strength (Hellman & Gwinn, 2019) it requires both pathways and agency.  

High School and Beyond Planning is not a checklist, or a worksheet. It is a process where students learn how to set goals, problem solve, make long term plans, 评估高中毕业后的费用,以及如何做出明智的决定,选择一个支持他们职业目标的项目. 随着毕业的临近,学校鼓励学生改变他们的目标和计划,加入新的兴趣和知识. 这与年度高中经济援助日相结合,支持学生制定全面的未来计划和终身技能.

Skills Incorporated into High School and Beyond Planning:

  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Goal Setting
  • Resilience and Agency
  • Career Ready Course Planning and Resume
  • College Ready Course Planning and Resume
  • Determining Career Fit
  • Determining Post-High School Program Fit

High School and Beyond Plan Lessons

Grade Lesson Title Objective
6Explore Roadtrip Nation 学生们从该领域的人那里了解自己感兴趣的职业道路. 他们反思这些访谈如何影响他们的中学后目标或其他主题元素.
6On a BudgetStudents learn basic financial literacy vocabulary, and practice creating a budget that includes savings and expenses.
Complete Career Key
学生将了解荷兰人的性格类型,以及他们的各种兴趣如何与职业选择联系起来. 学生探索职业,并考虑他们的兴趣如何帮助他们确定职业目标.
7Financial Aid Vocabulary & Scholarship Search学生们了解到,他们可以在任何年龄获得奖学金,所以他们在12年级时就有很多奖学金, 如何使用奖学金搜索工具搜索Naviance的奖学金, and learn Financial Aid Vocabulary.
8Course Planner学生将了解毕业要求以及如何规划课程,以帮助他们达到毕业目标.
8Who Ate My Paycheck学生学习阅读工资单和基本的工资单相关的概念和词汇,以及基于劳动力需求的未来可能的工作收入.
9How to Bounce Back: Strengths Explorer学生将了解他们的个人优势,以及如何利用这些优势来实现他们的目标,并探索与他们的优势相关的职业, and how they can use their strengths when they encounter challenges.
9Admissions Requirements & Course PlanningStudents learn about admissions requirements for Apprenticeships, 二年制和四年制大学,以及如何计划将这些要求纳入他们的课程. Students evaluate previous course taking and career goals.
10Make a Decision, Make a Plan学生将学习如何设定目标,如何有计划地实现目标.
10 Build a Resume学生们将学习简历的基本组成部分,以及他们需要简历的各种原因. 学生们可以创建一份基本的简历,用于求职、奖学金或其他申请.
11SuperMatch: Informed-Decision MakingStudents learn about weighted decision making, 确定他们的价值观和优先事项,以及如何将这些作为评估大学的因素,以确定大学是否有他们需要的东西, and favorite colleges that do. Students then discuss how to use this process for other decisions, such as car buying, career choices, and other post-high school program planning.
11My Life, My Decision: Evaluating Post-High School Costs学生们学习复利,并将高中毕业后的总体成本与他们既定职业目标的工资进行比较. 学生们被要求检查这些成本如何影响他们的生活成本和其他目标, such as travel, car buying etc. 鼓励学生与家人分享他们的发现,以帮助他们在高中毕业后的计划中做出明智的决定. 鼓励老师在课后与学生一起观看《十大赌博正规平台在线》.
11Resume & Application Preparation学生们更新他们的简历,并了解简历和申请的相似之处. 学生了解各种高中后申请的时间表,为高年级做准备.
12可选:在申请列表中添加至少两所大学或其他适用的活动学生审查后高中申请和成绩单申请过程. Students discuss and explore post-secondary options.
12Complete the Senior Exit SurveyStudents evaluate their school experience, 完成SPS毕业调查,并写感谢信给支持他们的人. It provides evidence of all students having a post-secondary plan.

How to Support Your Students’ Post-High School Planning

  • 帮助你的学生确定职业生涯中对他们最重要的是什么,并确定哪些职业可以帮助他们实现这些目标, 然后开始寻找能帮助他们实现职业目标的项目和大学.
    • 许多大学也有工具来帮助你确定哪些专业符合职业目标.
  • 和你的学生讨论调查的答案以及高中和超越计划的课程.
  • 尝试使用互联网搜索工具从你信任的来源找到问题的答案.
  • Collect reference letters from mentors, internship supervisors, 教练和其他了解他们的人,以便获得奖学金和高中后的申请. Keep copies for use for the various applications.
  • Discuss Pros and Cons using Common or Coalition sites
    • Data mine and sell your information to third parties
    • One stop application shopping
    • Less specific to college requirements, 比起直接申请大学,可能需要更多的论文或推荐信.
    • 是否可提供免费申请费用,以鼓励更多学生在一年中的某些时段申请
    • 要求学校工作人员提供不需要直接从学院和时间输入数据的信息
  • 讨论你可以为高中毕业后的项目支付费用的5种方式,以及你的职业价值观, college, apprenticeships and costs, and how you might save money.
    • Scholarships
    • Grants
    • Saving
    • Loans
    • Work
  • Way to Save
    • Living at home, not paying for meal packages, working part-time, 比较大学费用、职业安置和入门级工资.
    • Explore alternative programs which have less cost – Apprenticeships, Trades, Certifications and Workforce trends